Tuesday, December 26, 2006

6 weeks 1 day first OB appt today!

The appt went well :) I had all the joys of getting violated and then getting poked and drained of my blood LOL My doc was hoping for an HCG # of 5,000, yet mine came back 34,575!!!! So now I've been asked if twins run in my family. I'm going to die if there's more than one in there LOL But if there is, we'll just deal with it. Otherwise we just have one healthy little bean which is great too :) I find out tomorrow when my first ultrasound is :)

Monday, December 18, 2006

5 weeks today!

I'm feeling pretty good. Other than a little nausea, today has been a pretty good day :) Still praying for a sticky bean! :) My first OB appt is in 8 days!

Sunday, December 17, 2006


I can't believe christmas is just 8 days away! I have 2 gift cards to buy and some stocking stuffers and I'm completely done :) I do have to wrap it all still though! It's very hard to believe that in just 2 weeks, we will be done with the year 2006 and into 2007!!! Where have the past few years gone??

Friday, December 15, 2006

You ever wonder

Why do people feel the need to put down others for doing something that they themselves would not want to do? Why is it that today, in our society, it's ok to belittle someone for their happiness, just because it's something that they would never want? Why can't people just give a simple congrats, instead of post 1001 sarcastic or derogatory comments to hurt that person, just to make themselves feel better?

The beginning

On Dec 11th, we had it confirmed that baby #4 is indeed on the way! We could not be more happy! I have been charting for awhile, but we hadn't decided yet that we truly were going to have one more. By October, we were a lot closer to wanting another one :) Then in November we decided to give it a try. Luckily for us, it only took the first month!

As of today, the 15th, m/s has kicked in pretty good LOL I'm happy though because that's the sign of a sticky bean! My first OB appt is the 26th of December and hopefully I will have a good report :) As of now, my due date is August 20th :) We are not telling people for awhile so I decided to blog things instead :)