Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Fun night out!

We went out on saturday night to a Mardi Gras party on base. It was a lot of fun :) Here is the one picture we have from the party LOL This is me on the left, then Scott (hubby), then my friend Kris on the right (She took the pic).

Monday, February 26, 2007


Trying that picture again

15 weeks WOOHOOO!!!

I can't believe I'm already 15 weeks!!! Anytime after next monday we can find out what this little booger is!!!!! :)

Friday, February 23, 2007

14 weeks 4 days today!!!

I'm really beginning to feel the little peanut move around in there :) It's sooo exciting to me! The heartbeat is still good and strong when I check it at home :) Last night it was in the 150's but I think it was sleeping LOL
Oh and my exciting news is I have only gained 3 1/2 lbs since I got pregnant!!!! It feels soooo good!! I look as though I've gained about 30 LOL With my last I was up 14 lbs in the first trimester alone :) I told myself I was going to really watch it this time and it's working. Though it helps that chocolate makes me sick this time and I'm craving fruit!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

12 weeks 3 days

And there's no hiding it now!!! LOL

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

12 weeks 2 days

Almost to that 2nd trimester finally!! The morning sickness is letting up a lot which is nice. My hips have officially began to hurt though LOL I am almost positive I felt the little one moving last night too :) When I used the doppler, it was right where I felt what I thought was movement. So maybe??? I'm so anxious to find out what this little one is next month!!!!
Here's a pic from an u/s on Feb 1st.