Thursday, March 22, 2007


It's another boy. We are very happy that he's healthy in there and looks VERY cute, but sad at the fact that we will never have a daughter of our own. We were really hoping we'd finally get a girl this time as it's our last baby. God must have other plans for us though :) Here are a few pics from our ultrasound.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Our little peanut :)

We had these done on saturday :) Isn't this little one a cutie??? We should know gender for sure on the 21st, so keep your fingers crossed for us! :)

Here is the profile shot (I labeled it in the 2nd one, it's the same image)

Monday, March 5, 2007

16 weeks and getting bigger

I could feel the little monkey in there moving around last night :) That's the best feeling in the world! Heartbeat is still good and strong whenever I listen :) I'm getting anxious to find out what the baby is! I have my next ob appt wednesday, so we'll see if they schedule an ultrasound or not :)

Here's a pic this morning at 16 weeks