Thursday, May 24, 2007

27 weeks 3 days :)

I officially hit the 3rd trimester on monday and I'm very excited!! 4 days shy of being 7 months now :) Only 2 1/2 more to go!! I'm so ready for this monkey to be out LOL He thinks it's REALLY fun to play drums on my right ribcage with his feet. I'm going to be surprised if he doesn't come out with bruises on his feet!
I passed my glucose test yesterday too :) That felt good. I have failed the 1 hour test with EVERY pregnancy (only by a few points each time, this time was by 6 pts). And I've had to do the 3 hour test (not fun at all). I found out today that yet again, I passed the 3 hour LOL It feels good know I don't have Gestational Diabetes! I wouldn't want that...too restricting and it would have upped my chance at a repeat cesarean instead of vbac #3 for me.
The boys are getting excited. Scott and I are realizing we need to get in gear for this one, as he has about 3 outfits and that is it right now LOL Time to hit up ebay!


Beki - TheRustedChain said...

I have tons of onesies and sleepers for you!

Jen said...

WOOHOO Cool, I could use them LOL We got rid of all of our Cody stuff because we thought we were done LOL